1. Follow the first video below
to see how to download and extract files.
2. Follow the Second video to see
how to run the Minitab Application.
3. Watch the third video to see an example.
Download the "Download Minitab Macro and Dialog box files,zip" file and extract the files to the C: drive
0. Go to the C:\MtbMacros\DispDOESim\ folder.
1. Double click the Shortcut
2. A Dialog box will open to allow you to select the parameters used in the simulation.
3. Press the Create Script button
4. Paste the script into Minitab's Command Line Pane
5. Press Run.
6. Results appear in a few seconds
Examine how to determine the total number of data points allocated to a designed experiment to obtain at least an 80% Power to estimate the value of the Standard Deviation.
You can choose DOEs with 4, 8, or 16 runs. 2^2, 2^3-1, 2^3, 2^4-1, 2^5-2, 2^4, 2^5-1, 2^6-2, 2^7-3.
You can choose from eight data distributions. Beta, Exponential, Gamma, Largest Extreme Value, Logistic, Normal, Smallest Extreme Value. Weibull.